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Driver Resources
Table of Contents
• Learners Permit Requirements
• Junior License Requirements
• Unrestricted License Requirements
• Info for PA Learners Permit Holders
• PA Driver's Manual
• Driver's Test Checklist
• Local Driver's Test Centers
• Online Safe Driver Quiz
Learners Permit Restrictions and Requirements
- 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. driving restriction
- Number of passengers must not exceed number of seat belts in vehicle
- Mandatory 6 months for skill building before road test
- Permit valid for one year
- Supervising adult must be 21 or older
- Certification of 65 hours of behind-the-wheel skill building (Including 15 hours of night and inclement weather)
Download the Certification Form (DL-180C) This form will be needed to take your skills test at your local DLC
- Mandatory 90-day suspension for 6-point or more accumulation or a single high speed conviction
(26 miles per hour or more over posted speed limit, previously discretionary sanctioning)
- 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. driving restriction
Act 81 increases supervised, behind-the-wheel skill building for learner’s permit holders under 18 years of age from 50 hours to 65 hours. Ten of the added hours will consist of nighttime driving, while the other five additional hours must be driven in poor weather conditions.
-Learner’s permit holders who have taken their on the road driving skills test before the law’s effective date of Dec. 24, 2011 only need to complete the present requirement of 50 hours of supervised training. However, learner’s permit holders who have not passed the on the road driving skills test before Dec. 24, 2011 will have to meet the new requirement of 65 total hours of supervised skill building training – including the ten nighttime hours and five poor weather hours of driving - before they are authorized to take the driving skills portion of their driver’s test to receive their junior license.
-As of Dec. 24, 2011, for the first six months after receiving their junior driver’s license, a driver is not permitted to have more than one passenger under age 18 who is not an immediate family member (brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister of the junior driver and adopted or foster children living in the same household as the junior driver) in their vehicle unless they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If they have not been convicted of a driving violation or been partially or fully responsible for a reportable crash after six months, they may have up to three passengers under age 18 who are not immediate family members without a parent or legal guardian present. If they have any convictions or are partially or fully responsible for a reportable crash while a junior driver, they are once again restricted to one passenger.
-Drivers and occupants in a vehicle who are under the age of 18 must wear a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt, and children under the age of eight must be securely fastened in a child restraint system. Failure to comply with the new law’s seat belt provisions is a primary offense, meaning that a driver can be pulled over and cited solely for that violation.
- Mandatory 90-day suspension for 6-point or more accumulation or a single high speed conviction
Unrestricted License Restrictions and Requirements
To be eligible for Senior License at the age of 17 ½ a teen must:
· Complete a state licensed behind the wheel skills course (consisting of 6 hours).
· Complete a PDE approved Drivers Education Course (online or in class)
· Must also have Crash and conviction-free record for 12 months
- Otherwise, full license not possible until age 18
- Mandatory 90-day suspension for 6-point or more accumulation or a single high speed conviction
(26 miles per hour or more over posted speed limit, previously discretionary sanctioning)
Important News Regarding PA Learner's Permits
Please be aware that teens holding a Pennsylvania Learner's Permit are not permitted to drive outside the state of Pennsylvania. If they are in an accident or are pulled over for a traffic violation outside of PA, they are considered to be driving without a valid license.
PA Driver's Manual
View the Pennsylvania Driver's Manual online from the
PA Department of Transportation website.
Day-of-Test Requirements for PA driving test
Don't fail your test before you even start driving. Make sure you are prepared before you arrive to take your driver's license test.
- Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled appointment time
- Accompanying driver must be 21 years of age or older with valid driver’s license
- Valid vehicle registration card must be available
- Valid vehicle proof of insurance card must be available
- Both vehicle registration and insurance must match the car’s VIN (vehicle identification number)
- Vehicle must have current PA inspection
- Vehicle must be in good working condition, including working lights, horn, seat belts, etc. No cracks in windshield, no “donut” spare tire on car.
Driver's Test Centers
Lehighton: 1403 Blakeslee Blvd. Dr. East
Route 443
Lehighton, PA 18235
Hazleton: 1052 S. Church Street
Hazleton, PA 18201
Snydersville: 4218 Manor Drive
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Allentown: 1710 Hoover Avenue
Allentown, PA 18109
Days and Hours of Operation vary from Tuesday Through Saturday, usually 8:30AM - 4:15 PM
Schedule a road test by calling 1-800-423-5542 or online via PennDOT's website.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Click here for more driver services or to find exact days and hours of operations of each site.
Drive Safe PA, take the Safe Driver Quiz. Driven to distraction video (Sarcatic look at distracting drivers)
Serving Lehighton, Palmerton